Dprime Research Tag: Elecronics

  • Instant Soup – Intro to physical computing

    InstantSOUP ‘is an introductory path into Physical Computing through a series of examples. Each example is a detailed, step-by-step recipe to follow. When you complete the recipe you have a working prototype ready to serve. InstantSOUP is InstantSATISFACTION’ (Instant Soup 2012). InstantSOUP shares simple to more advanced examples referred to as recipes to guide you through various aspects and…

  • Tom Igoe’s guide to Physical Computing

    Tom Igoe teaches courses and workshops in physical computing and networking at the Interactive Telecommunications Program in the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU.  You can read his introduction to Physical Computing or visit his site on Codes, Circuits and Construction or find some suppliers on his resource list to find the components you might need.
